
Setting Up Multiple Assignment Submissions in Canvas

Last modified 6/6/2024

Assignment in Canvas can be set up to accept multiple submissions by a student. Multiple submissions are when students submit multiple documents for one assignment. 

How to Set Up Your Assignment to Allow Submit Multiple Submissions

  1. Go through the steps to set up your assignment. If you are unfamiliar with how to create an assignment, follow the directions in the video at this link: Walkthrough: Create an assignment 

    1. Please note that this link will direct you to the Canvas Knowledge Base website, which is a non-ISU webpage. 

  2. When you add your assignment, choose Online for the Submission Type. 

    Image of Submission Type field

  3. In the Submission Attempts field, select Unlimited in the Allowed Attempts dropdown menu to allow for unlimited assignment submissions. Alternatively, select Limited to restrict the number of chances a student can submit an assignment. 

    Image of Allowed Attempts dropdown menu

  4. If Limited is selected, a Number of Attempts field will appear. Indicate the number of attempts a student can submit an assignment.

Image of Number of Attempts field

How to Get Help

Technical assistance is available through the Illinois State University Technology Support Center at:

Instructional assistance and knowledge for Canvas are available through the Illinois State University Center for Integrated Professional Development: