
Reporting Time in iPeople

Last modified 9/19/2023

In order to receive a paycheck, employees must report their time in iPeople, which is the University's information system for employee payroll and benefits. Employees will include the number of hours worked and/or the number of hours used for sick or vacation time, military or jury leave, bereavement, dock and comp time, etc.  After the employee enters their times, a supervisor must approve them in order to get paid.  

Off Campus Authentication Note

If you are off campus, iPeople will require an MFA request approval. Follow this link to set up your MFA if you still need to. MFA Info/Setup

How to Report Time in iPeople

 In order to report time in iPeople, follow the directions below:

  1. Log in to
  2. Click iPeople.
  3. Click Submit Time.
  4. Enter your time appropriately, information on how to report time based on your employee role may be found below.


These instructions are maintained by ISU's Human Resources department and may have been recently revised. Please contact Human Resources at (309) 438-8311 if there are any questions about the above documentation.

Additional iPeople Resources:

 Additional iPeople resources and tutorials are available on the Human Resources website:


How to Get Help