
How to Report Phishing Emails

Last modified 4/10/2024

When you have received an email that you believe to be phishing you would need to report that email.

For more information please read How to Recognize Phishing Emails Targeting Illinois State University 

Windows Outlook Application (Old Version)

Note: In this Outlook version, this option is unavailable for Shared Mailboxes.

  1. Open the email that you believe to be a phishing email
  2. In the Home menu bar, Select the 3-Dots in the upper right corner, hover over Report Message, and choose Phishing (Image 1) 
  3. A Report Phishing pop-up will appear (Image 2)  
    1. Select Report to report the email as phishing 
    2. Select Cancel to exit the process

Image 1

Image 2

Outlook Web App and Windows Outlook Application (New Version)

  1. Open the email that your believe to be phishing 
  2. Select the three more dots ... within the email message 
  3. Select Report and then Report phishing (Image 3)

Image 3

Mac Outlook Application

  1. Open the email that you believe to be phishing
  2. Select the three more dots ... at the top of the email (Image 4)
  3. Select the Report Message Button (Image 5)
  4. Select Phishing (Image 6)

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6

Mac Outlook Legacy

If you are running the Legacy version of Outlook on your Mac, please follow the instructions below:

  1. Navigate to the email that needs reported 
  2. In the upper right find the Report Message option and choose Phishing. (Image 7)

    Image 7

Mobile Outlook Application

  1. Open the email that you believe to be phishing
  2. Select the three more dots ... at the top of the email (Image 8)
  3. Select Report Junk (Image 9)
  4. Select Phishing (Image 10)
  5. A Report Message pop-up will appear
    1. Select Report to report the email as phishing (Image 11)
    2. Select No, Thanks  to exit the process

Image 8

Image 9

Image 10

Image 11

Send a Suspicious Email for Review

If you have an email that you think may be phishing or malicious, but you are not sure, you can send that email to be reviewed. To do that forward the email as an attachment to

For more information on how to forward an email as an attachment please review the article: Forward an Email as an Attachment in Outlook

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