
Microsoft 365 Email

Last modified 8/8/2023

Your Email Address

Your ULID is the user name portion of your email address. You can use either or as the domain portion of your email address, following the format below 


Only will be accepted as the Log-in email

Accessing your Illinois State University Office 365 Email Account

Your Illinois State University Office 365 Email may be accessed in several ways:

  • Via the Web - Log into the Office 365 website at
  • Via Email Client - Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Mac Mail, and others.
  • Via Mobile Device - iPhone, iPad, Android device, Windows device, and others.


Office 365 access will be revoked 12 months after a University member officially leaves the University. It is strongly recommended that students who graduate or cease active enrollment in classes, and faculty/staff who leave the University’s employ, transfer any important emails and files from their ISU Office 365 accounts into a personal account prior to losing access. Additional information is listed in Technology Benefits Upon Leaving the University or Retiring.


If you want to activate your Illinois State Univeristy Office 365 Email, please ensure you have activated your ULID Account

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